Watermark Services of Tuncurry NSW Australia used one of my Humpback Whale images, In October, to promote their reproduction […]
Author: Malcolm
The UK’s Regaldive launched a new website, in November, using many of my photographs.
One of my images of Eva Kirsch were used by PRO DIVE of Sydney to promote a diving […]
My shots of Huw Watson and a Hawksbill turtle were featured In an October e-mail to their customers […]
For their website Blog In October, the UK’s Regaldive used two of my images
Two advertisements, by UK’s Regaldive were run in October’s DIVER magazine that featured […]
In October Regaldive placed four advertisements in the UK's DIVE magazine, each featuring one of my images.
Sport Diving magazine published my Salties article In their October issue.
I provided diving vacation specialists, Scuba Experience, with images In October for their website’s home page
The UK’s Regaldive used one of my Huw Watson shots as their main Facebook image.