The Nambucca Guardian gave Malcolm a plug in a local article
Author: Malcolm
DIVE LOG magazine publish a new article on Australian Sealions by Jamie Watts and Malcolm
The Guardian features Malcolms Great White image
ABC News use Great White image in fatal shark attack report
SCUBA magazine publish another of Jamie and Malcolms fascinating articles in the December 2019 issue
Supercharged Sea Puppies An article published in SCUBA Magazine By Jamie Watts and Malcolm Nobbs You can download […]
“What’s in a name?” With this fish, it is as if they know what humans have named them […]
True Blu use (without permission) one of Malcolm’s Great White photos for their Hatching Eggs packaging
Roger Hall is a scientific illustrator who used one of Malcolms Salmon Shark images as a model. The […]
Let’s Go Adventures use Malcolm’s Seal image on their 2019-2020 Tide Table