In January, the largest interactive scuba diving destination website on the internet featured one of my […]
Category Archive: Publications
On January 13th both The Times newspaper and Times Online of the UK used one of my […]
DIVE Magazine – Brochure Special
One of my images of a Hawksbill turtle with divers was featured, In January, in the UK’s DIVE […]
My photograph of an Anemonefish photo taken on the Great Barrier Reef and other images were used by […] the largest interactive scuba diving destination website on the internet featured one of my images in […]
Christian Hamaoin promoted a local Philippines dive site with one of my Oceanic Whitetip shark images
DiveQuest of the UK, in October, added my photograph of a Green Moray taken in Grand Cayman to […]
The UK’s Regaldive released a new holiday brochure featuring my photograph of a Whitespotted Puffer on the front […]
EXPLORE! Worldwide Adventure Holidays of the UK used my image, in September, of an Anemonefish to promote the […]
In July, the largest interactive scuba diving destination website on the internet featured one of my […]